LEAP 2025 plenary speakers announced

LEAP 2025 speakers announced

Date posted: 31 January 2025


We are very pleased to announce that the plenary speakers at the LEAP conference will be Sarah Bradbury from IGD and Professor Paul Behrens from the University of Oxford. 

sarah bradbury

Sarah Bradbury brings over 25 years of unparalleled experience in the retail and food sectors. Currently, she leads IGD, an influential organisation that has been helping to inspire and unite the food industry for more than 120 years. IGD is a strategic insights and foresight business, reinvesting all profits into impactful initiatives that benefit both the industry and society at large.

Throughout her career, Sarah has held senior commercial and marketing positions, including her previous role as Group Quality Director at Tesco. There, she was responsible for overseeing the delivery of high-quality safe products, sustainability, agriculture and regulatory compliance. It was in this role that Sarah honed her passion for driving collaborative change, mobilising the food and consumer good sectors as a force for good, and working to improve the food system for the long term.

paul behrens


Paul Behrens is British Academy Global Professor at the University of Oxford. His research and writing on climate, energy, and food, has appeared in scientific journals and media outlets such as the BBC, the Guardian, Thomson Reuters, Politico, Nature Sustainability, Nature Energy, PNAS, Joule, Nature Food, and Nature Communications. He is an editor and author of the interdisciplinary text book Food and Sustainability (Oxford University Press, 2020). His popular science book The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Futures from the Frontiers of Climate Science (Indigo Press, 2021) describes humanity's current trajectory and possible futures in paired chapters of pessimism and hope. Paul won International Champion in the Frontiers Planet Prize in 2023.

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