Achieving Net Zero Conference


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Achieving Net Zero Conference


Date: 9-11 September 2019

Location: Wadham College, University of Oxford


Find out how to register here

The IPCC’s Special Report on 1.5 Degrees highlights the need for transformational change to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Not only will emissions of greenhouse gases need to be reduced at an unprecedented scale and speed, but achieving a balance between sources and sinks may also require their active removal from the atmosphere.

Following the success of the 2016 conference on 1.5 Degrees, this meeting, co-hosted by the University of Oxford and Victoria University of Wellington, will bring together leading academics, policymakers, civil society actors and business leaders to discuss what net zero means, and how it could be achieved.

The conference will explore the social, political, ethical, ecological, governance and technical opportunities and challenges around achieving net zero emissions and the policy action required to achieve this goal in a manner that is both timely and compatible with the Sustainable Development Goals.